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  • We had a week’s winter holiday, making the most of what the city and country have to offer. In the city, the girls had fun at a play centre called […]

    Catching our breath

    We had a week’s winter holiday, making the most of what the city and country have to offer. In the city, the girls had fun at a play centre called […]

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  • The girls’ birthday fell on a Saturday this year; the coldest day of the year so far at only seven degrees centigrade. It was overcast too, reminding me of the […]

    A heart-shaped cake

    The girls’ birthday fell on a Saturday this year; the coldest day of the year so far at only seven degrees centigrade. It was overcast too, reminding me of the […]

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  • Looking back on ‘A few whiles ago’ from May 2014, I thought it was time for an update on how our mornings are going. Here is a sample taken over […]

    The highs and lows

    Looking back on ‘A few whiles ago’ from May 2014, I thought it was time for an update on how our mornings are going. Here is a sample taken over […]

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  • Last week we had a family ‘back to Ballarat’ where Dad grew up. Maggie, the girls, Oli and I took a road trip to get there. We stopped at a […]


    Last week we had a family ‘back to Ballarat’ where Dad grew up. Maggie, the girls, Oli and I took a road trip to get there. We stopped at a […]

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  • The new treehouse isn’t getting much use yet but the bottom of the garden is, with a lot of traffic over the back fence to visit the five and two-year […]


    The new treehouse isn’t getting much use yet but the bottom of the garden is, with a lot of traffic over the back fence to visit the five and two-year […]

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  • How was the wedding? If I had to identify one of the happiest weekends of my life, the wedding would be on it. ‘I’m eagerly awaiting the explosion of pleasure’, […]

    Western Wedding

    How was the wedding? If I had to identify one of the happiest weekends of my life, the wedding would be on it. ‘I’m eagerly awaiting the explosion of pleasure’, […]

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  • We’re having a week in WA before Duncan and Becky’s wedding near Margaret River. It’s the end of a long summer with the girls – long slow days at Anglesea […]

    Please turn left

    We’re having a week in WA before Duncan and Becky’s wedding near Margaret River. It’s the end of a long summer with the girls – long slow days at Anglesea […]

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  • As is the case for significant international events, I remember where I was the day I first heard about Peppa Pig. It was at the girls’ playgroup. And then, when […]

    Mum, can I tell you something?

    As is the case for significant international events, I remember where I was the day I first heard about Peppa Pig. It was at the girls’ playgroup. And then, when […]

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  • I’ve been conscious recently that the girls have had very little exposure to art, and particularly painting, this year, because the curriculum is crammed with academic activity and learning French, […]


    I’ve been conscious recently that the girls have had very little exposure to art, and particularly painting, this year, because the curriculum is crammed with academic activity and learning French, […]

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  • The loss of around 8 teeth by Lara and 5 by Rhea has prompted a recent correspondence with the Tooth Fairy. Here are the letters and responses:   Dear tooth […]

    Dear Tooth Fairy

    The loss of around 8 teeth by Lara and 5 by Rhea has prompted a recent correspondence with the Tooth Fairy. Here are the letters and responses:   Dear tooth […]

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