Of cells, cats, climate change and other notable quotes of 2019

Once again, here are some memorable quotes from the girls as a snapshot of our year.

Rhea: Eek!
Lara: Yikes!
Rhea: And plus. . .
Lara: That’s sad.
Rhea: I figured out. . .
Lara: That’s disappointing.
Rhea: Just saying. . .
Lara: I want to. . .
Rhea: And I thought to myself. . .
Lara: Christmasso!
Rhea: Sorry about before.
Lara: I hate you.
Rhea: I love you.
Lara: God I hope not!
Rhea: I hate you daddy!
Lara: What does ‘chuffed’ mean?
Rhea: I was enjoying that.
Lara: Come on!
Rhea: To be honest. . .
Lara: It’s not fair!
Rhea: It’s not fair!
Lara: Speaking of which. . .
Rhea: Jeez!
Lara: This won’t go well. . .
Rhea: Literally. . .
Lara: Aark!
Rhea: Aark!
Lara: I was puzzled about that.
Rhea: It’s in an even worse state than it was.
Lara: What does ‘Suicide of the fridge magnets’ mean?
Rhea, after Duncan asked her where her classmates went who left: Sally’s mother got postponed.
Lara: With a newspaper, if you put something in it do you have to pay?
Rhea: Have you heard of the Blue Hills?
Lara: I know where our bad temper comes from. You.
Rhea: It’s my opinion. . .
Lara: There are some shards of glass up there.
Rhea: Honestly, the paint was coming down and it was all crumpled.
Lara: Jeez Rhea were you born in a tent?
Rhea: When I was four and five and six I thought my middle name was Kamalini.
Lara: It’s not your turn to sleep in, it’s mummy’s and she’s up.
Rhea: What does ‘slang’ mean?
Lara: I’m so humiliated [meant ‘frustrated.’]
Rhea, after being asked what she did today: I had a ham sandwich for lunch and cordial and a chocolate crackle and ice-cream.
Lara: When you walk on a horse you go hm hm hm hm and when you trot you go hm-hm hm-hm.
Rhea: I found some sleep from my eyes that fell in to the curve of my ear.
Lara: Why aren’t you sleepy after you’ve slept?
Rhea: Lara you don’t have to say ‘spotto’, it’s on the television.
Lara: Why do you hold hands when you cross the road but not when you’re riding across the road?
Rhea: You have to arrive at the canteen late [to miss the line] but not too late or it’s closed.
Lara: If you don’t buy me a bottle of water I’ll get myself run over by that car.
Rhea: You put your hands beside your body at 7 and flex them at 8.
Lara: Mum, apparently no-one at my table has baths or showers with their mum or dad. Weird.
Rhea: I’m not keen on any of the socks you packed.
Lara: How was the earth made?
Rhea: What does ‘you’re a sight for sore eyes’ mean?
Lara: Can I clean these things [my nipples]?
Rhea, after reading Girls Stuff in which it says that periods come during ages 9-15: Can I have one [a pad] in my bag in case I get my period at school?
Lara, pulling my top so she could look down my front: Why are they so low?
Rhea, when I was buying pads: Why don’t you buy the ones that you put up your thingy?
Lara: Oh I want to tell you something but Rhea doesn’t want me to.
Rhea: Was the day you met daddy one of the best days of your life?
Lara: Do you love daddy or like him?
Rhea: What’s a potato made of?
Lara: Can you and daddy get divorced? Because then I could have 2 rooms and have 2 of everything.
Rhea: What is ‘risk’?
Lara: My new favourite food is fish and chips.
Rhea: What’s starch made of?
Lara: Is this called an apple turnover because it has bits of apple in the thingy?
Rhea: What’s a cell made out of?
Lara: Is sugar lighter than salt?
Rhea: The cone isn’t the best. It tastes like burnt toast.
Lara: Grandma’s a good cook but everything you make tastes disgusting.
Rhea: We had scrumpets.
Lara: Do we have any breadcrumbs? If we do I want breadcrumbs for breakfast.
Rhea, after cutting onions: My eyes are spicing.
Lara: Can you put maple syrup on grilled bananas?
Rhea: The cheese is off.
Lara: Nuts aren’t allowed. Is a coconut a nut? [re a lamington].
Rhea: A little help here.
Lara: Pretty please with cheese?
Rhea: If you have brown or black skin do you have brown eyes? Why?
Lara: Was it pelting down? Grandma wanted it to be pelting down.
Rhea: Even though my ears are freezing, my arms are boiling.
Lara, after watching ‘Before Sunset’ for about 15 minutes: He’s going to miss his plane. I can’t bear it.
Rhea, driving the speedboat: This is really hard! I can see why you need a license!
Lara: Can you do it in slow mo?
Rhea: Can you say the alphabet without moving your lips?
Lara: Why are you rummaging around in there?
Rhea: This is nice as long as I have covers on me. Which I don’t. Now I do. Now I don’t. Now I do. Yes, it’s perfect.
Lara: I can do it I can do it I can do it I can do it. I can’t do it [re putting sticky tape with posters up.]
Rhea: I’m running. [Deciding she would run in the Roo Run, despite not having any shoes.]
Lara: There were loads of people coming down the stairs.
Rhea: Did you know that technically, trees can talk to each other? When their roots are touching.
Lara: Mum, you’d look good in a wedding dress.
Rhea, to Lara: I don’t have to like the exact same books as you.
Lara: Eleanor [at school, on Harmony Day] made an annoying remark today, she said my skirt was a skirt and Rhea’s was a quilt.
Rhea: If I was daddy then my favourite street would be Stephen street.
Lara, after the Customs officer said she wanted to test our bags for explosives: Seriously?
Rhea: I think we should have Monday off school. Because we might be jet lagged.
Lara: Why do you have some white hair and daddy doesn’t?
Rhea: I discussed this with you.
Lara: Your hair’s brown and it’s going white.
Rhea: Where in the world were you?
Lara: Why didn’t you discuss the sleeping arrangements in Sea Lake with us?
Rhea, when we were playing tips: Mum don’t worry about the singlets falling off your head I’ll pick them up.
Lara, after I explained that the newly-sprayed grey/green powder was spray-on grass: I prefer real grass.
Rhea, to Lara: I’m sick of your behaviour!
Lara: I rummaged around in the box looking for something to decorate my project with.
Rhea: I technically won.
Lara, to Rhea who was sick: Do you want a honey thingamajig?
Rhea: I won I won! . . . Why is it check mate?
Lara: Mum, to tell you the truth I really want to have triplets.
Rhea: I came 4th and the first 3 came 1st so I effectively came 2nd [at musical statues].
Lara: I came 6th in the 800m because the first 5 go to Zone and I don’t want to go to Zone for 800m.
Rhea: It’s very realistic but I don’t know if it will do the trick [i.e. the cake of soap looked like a cake.]
Lara: My favourite arm position [in ballet] is 2nd and leg position is 3rd.
Rhea: And I said to myself. . .
Lara: Did you know your eyebrows stop water from dripping down your face?
Rhea: Why does everyone who has a scar have it on their chin?
Lara: Why do we say ‘very good’ but not ‘very great’? Don’t write that down in your notebook. I saw the way you looked at me that you were going to write it down.
Rhea: I remember my first memory. We had been to the market and we were sitting outside. I ran around the back of the house and I was eating pasta. [She was about two.]
Lara, who wanted to show her class a photo of me breastfeeding the girls: You don’t see your thingies because we’re on top of them.
Rhea: Is it called a honeymoon because it’s honey in the shape of a moon?
Lara, after her pottery class: I know what you’re thinking – that my clothes are very dirty.
Rhea: What’s a Christian?
Lara, playing a piece about a baby in Bethlehem: Is this about Jesus? Does that mean his mother was a goddess?
Rhea: My ball landed on the shade sail. And Lachlan threw Sophie’s lunchbox up there – it’s OK, he asked her – and it fell down.
Lara: Mum, if today was a school day then it would be over 15 minutes ago.
Rhea: Today we found out that Mr Duncan is leaving. Lucy cried the most then me then Natasha then Ali.
Lara: I’d actually like to live there. Too bad there isn’t a For Sale sign out the front.
Rhea: Can I have a fit bik?
Lara, to Ann: You smell nice.
Rhea: Can we have 2 years with daddy’s family and then one with yours? Because if we have Christmas with your family we don’t get presents from daddy’s family.
Lara: Let me show you my house. But first let me buy a bigger house.
Rhea: Why’s it called Boxing Day? Why does it have a name? Why isn’t it just called ‘The day after Christmas?’
Lara: Dad you nearly got dumped [by the waves].
Rhea: I want to stay up all night. To see if Santa’s real.
Lara: You don’t get it.
Rhea: I used to think it was Wetnesday.
Lara: Why are there photos of people everywhere?
Rhea: Guess how long someone has sat on a pole?
Lara, after seeing in the Saturday Paper the advertisement ‘The Prime Minister didn’t change. Maybe your reading should’: I don’t think my reading has to change.
Rhea: The first girl Prime Minister was in 2010? When was the first boy Prime Minister?

Lara, after I said that the Government hadn’t done anything after the Climate Change rally: That’s really weird. You mean we marched for nothing?
Rhea, about Tony Abbott: His shirt is too tight.

Rhea: Who are you going to vote for?
Me: The Greens.
Rhea: Are there colours?

Me: Which animal has better eyes, a lion or an eagle?
Lara: An eagle. I remembered the expression ‘eagle-eyed.’

Me: How’s your friend going in France?
Rhea: You mean Alex?
Me: No.
Rhea: You mean Sophie?
Me: No.
Rhea: You mean Arianne?
Me: Yes.

Me: Batman and. . . it’s a bird.
Lara: Birdie?

Me: It’s not acceptable to shout!
Rhea: You’re shouting!

Lara: That’s Lady Gaga.
Rhea: Who’s Lady Gaga?
Lara: A singer.

Rhea: My second favourite moment is Penny and Pierre’s party.
Me: What’s your favourite?
Rhea: Duncan and Becky’s wedding.

Lara: When did you start buying presents for us for Christmas?
Me: a few months ago.
Lara: Which month?

Rhea: I’ll give you three reasons why we should buy a cat. One, because I’ll choose its name. Two, I’ll walk it every day. Three, I’ll buy it.
Me: They cost about $500.
Steve: $1,000.
Rhea: OK I’ll give you two reasons why we should buy a cat. Anyway I was talking about a puppy.
Me: I don’t like dogs.
Rhea: It’s not a dog, it’s a puppy.

Lara: I’m not doing anything.
Rhea: Technically you are. You’re talking.

Rhea: Do you ever wish that you only had one child?
Me: No, why would I do that?
Rhea: Because we’re always fighting and we wouldn’t fight.

Lara: How does the scoreboard know that a goal has been scored?
Rhea: Maybe there’s a sensor in it.

Rhea, after I told them that from now on we’ll have 20 minutes of play time one-on-one at the suggestion of the psychologist: Yes! At last!
Lara: Can I just have 40 minutes playing with daddy? He’s more fun.

Steve: Why do you have chewing gum up your nose?
Lara: Because the fish smells disgusting.

Me: Do you want some?
Rhea: I said ‘eww.’
Me: You don’t like something until you’ve tried it 30 times.
Rhea: I don’t believe that. I’ve eaten fish more than 30 times and I still hate it.

Lara: Nostro [the dog] killed Smokey’s wife when he was younger.
Rhea: Birds don’t have wives do they?

That’s all to chew over for now. All the best for 2020.

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About Isolde

After extensive travel for short periods both inside Australia and overseas, I took a break from my health policy job to travel for two months in Spain, Portugal and Morocco and live for four months in France, three of those in Paris. I'm currently living back in Australia with Steve and our twins Rhea and Lara.