We had one day at Thredbo of our planned five, and then had to return home because there had been a COVID case in our town so Thredbo didn’t want us. Back at home, we had to quarantine for 14 days because we had been in regional NSW. I won’t detail the mix of sunshine, connection, tantrums and conflict that is the backdrop to our day-to-day lives with our high-spirited, sometimes anxious children. Apart from that, here are the key events that punctuated our days.
Saturday Day 1:
COVID test in car – 4.5 hour wait. 4,500 tests done in our town today. The nurse washed her hands after every car.
Put on a load of washing.
Placed an online shopping order.
Sunday Day 2:
Gardening, Rhea swept, I played the piano, hung out the load of washing, we cleaned the house.
Lotus not eating and escaped her lead on the garden outing. We caught her in our front garden.
Maggie delivered us some food.
Monday Day 3:
Made muffins with frosting, cleaned bedside table, girls watched screen from 12.45pm. Steve’s mum left a message on our answering machine when we didn’t answer it: ‘’If you’re not there, where are you!!’’
Lotus still not eating. Dad took her to the vet. The vet dropped her home.
Tuesday Day 4:
Back to work 9 – 6.30pm. Girls worked until 1pm then had screen time for the rest of the day. Random police check that we were at home. Friend Lucy also in quarantine with all of her school, due to a student attending while COVID positive. I did a load of washing.
Dad took Lotus to the vet again. In vet hospital on a drip, diagnosed with pancreatitis. Total bill $1,500.
I did some skipping.
Play time, evening fire.
Wednesday Day 5:
Work, girls screen time as yesterday.
Tried to order a Coles delivery but it was a 7 day wait time so we rang the local IGA instead.
A school mum delivered their computers from school, the local pharmacy delivered medications.
The vet dropped Lotus back home with tablets and some shaved fur.
Played the piano, had a bath with Rhea.
Thursday Day 6:
Work, girls screen time as yesterday. Toasted sandwiches for lunch. Load of washing.
Made local IGA delivery and it arrived at night. Found out that Maggie, Peter and Oli were in quarantine since Tuesday because Oli had been to a gym where there was a contact.
Morello cherries, chocolate for dessert. Long talk to good friend. She had been 950 in the COVID phone line queue but it progressed within half an hour to tell her that animals don’t have to quarantine with their owners. She could ask someone to walk their dog while they were in quarantine, as long as the lead and collar are sanitized.
Friday Day 7:
Work, girls first proper school lessons with zoom class.
Dad offered to do market shop but it’s closed. Playtime with girls, watched Ms Represented, Gardening Australia.
Takeaway dinner. I skipped, the girls tried it too.
Saturday Day 8:
Read papers in bed, load of washing, piano, podcasts (Too peas in a Pod, All in the Mind), made raspberry muffins, spoke to mum and Maggie.
Hello Fresh delivery from Maggie arrived. Made an order for 3 Mills bread and another Coles order.
Compared our cheese and biscuits to very fancy hors d’oeuvres with paté, winter roses, and finger food on zoom birthday celebration with Steve’s family in Melbourne (x2), Anglesea and Sydney. We won on the sympathy vote.
Girls cooked Gnocci from Hello Fresh. I rode on our indoor exercise bike.
Sunday Day 9:
Breakfast in bed, raked leaves, Lotus on lead in front and back garden, I climbed the front tree with the girls, listened to podcasts. It was warm and sunny. Played the piano, we cleaned the house.
Found earphones and loaf of bread in the freezer. Playtime. I skipped, the girls did too.
Monday Day 10:
Work 8.40 – 6 pm.
Bread delivery.
Playtime. Watched Four Corners.
Tuesday Day 11:
Work 8.30 – 6.15 pm.
Rain, very cold.
Dad gave and delivered us some groceries. Mail, coffee supplies, present delivered of a mixed box of Haigh’s chocolates as commiseration for our shortened ski holiday from Kay and Toni.
Evening fire. Skipped with the girls.
Wednesday Day 12:
Work 9am – 6pm.
Rain, gray and cold.
Dad delivered more groceries. Mail, Coles groceries delivered.
Watched Question Everything and Rosehaven.
Evening fire. Exercise bike.
Thursday Day 13:
COVID test (appointment). Work 9.15am – 6.45pm.
Watched Q&A. Skipped with the girls.
Friday Day 14:
Work 8.30 – 6.15pm.
Steve’s birthday present delivery.
Evening fire. We all watched Mamma Mia!
Lara said something the other day that suggested that to her, the term ‘quarantine’ means staying home. To me, until recently it had meant quarantining animals. Perhaps after this experience, the word’s connotation will be the same for me.
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