We’ve adjusted now into the new year. Swimming lessons twice a week, gymnastics on Monday afternoons, and homework. Loads of it.
We took the girls shopping to buy swivel chairs as an incentive for them to do their homework and they chose a red and blue one. ‘Why is everything red and blue today?’, asked Rhea, noting the red and blue balloons in Officeworks and the red and blue balls at Ikea’s play area, in addition to the chairs they had bought. Steve cleaned up the long desk we had built so they have their own work areas and I cooked dinner for the first time while supervising them sitting there tonight, and thought it works well. It’s spelling and activities in both English and French, as well as reading in both languages, and they are spending at least half an hour a day on it all. I thought the research evidence is that there isn’t a lot of benefit from homework, but it’s helping them build good study habits, and if they continue to enjoy it that’s OK.
They are really improving in their swimming too, now able to do freestyle, including kicking and breathing. That’s great because I get to do laps in the outdoor pool while they have their lesson. The other night was warm, sunny, refreshing and uncrowded, and late enough that I didn’t have to wear my oversized rashie, so I felt fit and smooth in the water beside them.
I get up five minutes earlier during the week to do up the girls’ shoelaces and put their hair up. It’s still a challenge getting them fed, dressed, teeth brushed and out the door on time every morning, but when I say goodbye at the gate they run in and hug their teacher without a backward look (or kiss!).
We all had a good talk to our friend Alice this week, including her giving me a bit of reassurance about the girls’ frustratingly late and drawn out bedtimes, culminating with sleep at around 9pm after a good hour of effort. She suggested regular baths to calm them down and she talked to them about how it’s important to go to bed when we ask them to. We’ve got work to do there: so far, school doesn’t seem to have tired them out.
Alice asked if the girls would like to send her letters and drawings this year. I think that would be nice, and good for everyone involved.
Lara is still trying to find out how old Santa is and they are curious about how they came to be created, and how babies are made generally. Lots of questions, lots of learning, every day.
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